Wed Feb 5 Cyber Club meeting
2:30PM, Tech Center
Old Business
- Club purchases / money Business
- Storage server from BSC available Friday
- 16GB RAM
- Separate Dell PowerVault MD1200, 96TB can be moved to other server
- Matt is ordering playground/club server with department funds
- CyberConquest competition
- Same time as CCDC regional
- Take a junior team to DakotaCon?
New Business
- Practice with ESXi and changing Passwords
- vCenter
- Username: student@vsphere.local
- Password: Password1!
- Food for competition
- ~5 spectators and 8 competitors
- Pizza, CrockPot of beef, more food?
- Reimbursement
- Email about competition
- No VMs to host here
- Lucas Pippinger will be Remote Site Judge for us
- Feb 14: Recieve VPN creds and practice VMs
- Feb 22: Qualifier here at TC